Information Rich Money

Kevin Cox
2 min readJan 17, 2017

Regular money contains one piece of information — value. Information rich money includes more than value. It can include the following and more:

who owns it,
when it was used,
where it came from,
where it was used,
the cost of lending it,
its history of use,
what it will buy,
the value,
what it purchased

The cost of having regular money is a minimum of the cost of interest. Interest is the cost to ensure the money retains its value. It does that by keeping track of information we can include with information rich money. With the regular money, the information about the money is kept separately from the money. Keeping the information on why we can trust the value of money with the money is much lower cost than interest.

If we keep the trust information with the money, the cost of moving money covers the cost of the trust in the value of the money because we move the trust information at the same time as the money.

Information Rich Money implementation uses well-known techniques of distributed processing made possible by recent advances in information technologies.

Information Rich Money requires the network of distributed connections to turn the data into information. These networks become complex adaptive systems and so that the data plus the network plus distributed algorithms solve very hard problems with meta-heuristic techniques. Here is a link to an outline of a distributed algorithm to solve the double spend problem with distributed money.

Importantly Information Rich Money can be introduced incrementally without disrupting existing systems and for a low cost. ACT Water Rewards Co-op intends to implement Information Rich Money for ACT Water payments and investment. It is expected to give the ACT government another $70 million dollars annually from interest savings made by replacing existing debt of $1.5 Billion.



Kevin Cox

Kevin works on empowering individuals within local communities to rid the economy of unearned income.